So, here I am sitting in my hotel room in Halifax, Nova Scotia. These past few weeks since the end of school have gone SO fast! This past weekend was a pretty epic bon voyage, I must say. (GO PENS!) Thanks guys for the great nights!
Sunday we headed down to DC to catch our plane Monday (today) morning at 8:30. So after several nights of just a few hours of not-so-fantastic sleep, I'm really excited to sleep in an actual bed tonight. However, yet another early morning awaits! Brindle boards the boat at 8am, sooo thats what time I'll be there... even though I'm not really supposed to be there until 11:20. Hooray! should be fun. Reguardless, I'm really excited.
The plane ride was fun. About 1/2 the flight was going on Semester at Sea, which made it go really fast! The shuttle from the airport to downtown Halifax was full of SAS kids. It was really fun! We're all in the same position of not really knowing ANYONE, so all you do is just introduce yourself to everyone. Anyway, we got into Halifax around 1. We then headed out with some new friends to get some lunch and to check out the pier where the boat is and the Public Gardens. The public gardens were gorgeous. Though the walk up there was a little obnoxious. The hill we walked up was definitely bigger than the one headed up to the pete and possibly a little steeper... lots of fun! We walked down to the pier to see how far the boat is from the hotel we're staying at. The boat is HUGE. I can't wait! I can't believe that that is where I am going to be living for the next 67 days!!!
This whole experience is finally hitting me. I can't believe that Im going to be on a boat for the next 2 1/2 months touring the world!! well... some of it anyway. Apparently the classes are pretty intense though, which I'm ok with. (I'm REALLY looking forward to not doing math in my classes!) I am really excited to meet everyone, especially my roommate!
AS much as I want to write more, I really can't think right now. Haha too many days of sleep-deprivation... hence the terrible English and stuff. deal with it. :) I'll be updating this every once in a while when I have a chance to. Probably before and after every port.
Hey! This might seem a little random, but I'm a sophomore at Pitt and I'll be going on the Summer '10 voyage! I found the link to your blog on the SAS fan page. I thoroughly enjoyed the comparison to the pete hill =)