So, it’s June 27th and it’s 6:00pm and it’s officially on ship time! So everyone that boards the ship after this gets dock time in the next port (unless they are on an SAS trip). Dock time SUCKS! If you’re an hour late, you get 12 hours of dock time! I guess you’ll be laying by the pool and doing work while the rest of us are enjoying Italy! Anyway, as amusing as watching people run back to the ship is, it also means that we’re leaving Spain. BOO! Just when we got a good grasp of the city and it’s layout, we have to ship off to another country. Haha not so bad, I know right?
Alright, about my last 2 days in Cadiz, Spain. Yesterday was fun. We woke up early and went out to get churros con chocolate at a small café near the flower market. They were DECLICIOUS and really really bad for you! Churros are deep fried dough kind of like funnel cake, but in stick form. The chocolate was basically melted chocolate bars in a tea cup. Paired together, it made

one delectable (and fattening) breakfast. After that we just wandered around the market area getting some shopping done. I got a post card, a Spain flag, a soccer scarf for the Spanish national team (hooray Fernando Torres!), a magnet, and a flamenco fan. So now my room Is semi decorated… it has a magnet on my wall of Cadiz. Haha. Erin has all these pictures, so I look really lame. After wandering around, we went to the beach around 2 and ate lunch, laid in the sun, and played in the waves. Let me tell you. It’s definitely an experience seeing a 50 something woman weighting around 180lbs topless on a beach. There were maybe 3-4 other girls topless, everyone else had swimsuits on. I guess I’m going to have to get used to this!

After beaching it, we headed back to the boat, showered, ate dinner, and then napped. We all woke up, and got ready to go out. We ate dinner (well they did we didn’t) with Nate and Russell and Eric. Then grabbed some icecream before joining up with some other people from the ship. We headed to this one bar called Nahu. It was really awesome inside. There was a hookah and it was decorated sort of Turkish styped/ Moroccan style. It was really nice. Beers are 1 Euro and a glass of their sangria is 2 euros, which isn’t bad at all and it was delicious. (did I mention that Spain breeds the prettiest men in Europe I think? The bartenders were gorgeous and so were all of the guys at the beach….) This bar definitely played mmmbop. It was HILARIOUS. It came on and all of us just started singing. I mean, really? In a BAR!? They played a lot of American music, it was weird. So we headed to another bar and it was OK. I decided to go home, Erin and I were tired and it was 3am.

Today we just slept in and then went to the post office to mail our postcards and to walk around a bit more. I had to go to a store to get a new shower sponge and random things. We then ate some lunch (I had paella! Which was amazing!) and then back to the ship to get our computers. After attempting to get free wifi for the longest time, we managed to use it for a bit (but I forgot to upload this!) and then we just got back on the ship since it was on board time soon and we didn’t want to get stuck in a long line.
Tonight we are meeting with our small groups to discuss more of Amartya Sen’s Identity and Violence and to do a port debriefing. I just want to get it over with so that I can start working on my paper for Global Studies and start looking at the other papers I have to do for other classes. Rachel and I are going to go sit in a classroom and do work and watch Almost Famous tonight. I’m looking forward to it! Coincidently it’s my second favorite movie and she brought it with her!

So that is my Spain update. Nothing too exciting. I’m waiting to sell my ticket for Rome on Your Own so that I can just grab a train with Rachel and Tim and stay in Rome for 2-3 days. We’re going to stay in a hostel and everything, which I’m excited about. I wanted to give us enough time to see the Vatican and everything that Rome has to offer before heading back to the ship and heading to Naples.
Anyway, look forward to some more updates on my travels! If you want to contact me email me! It’s free for me at mlvukmir@semesteratsea.net... No internet minutes are used, which is great!
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